Smartphones have started dominating the market, both for applications and video games. People have started wondering should they start directing their developers and marketing teams towards the mobile phones. Larger companies started making products related to mobile phones, as this is a very dynamic market, where everyone brings a new device every year and often ends up surprising their competition. Smartphones are used to such an extent, that most sites get 80 or 90% of their traffic from mobile devices. That is an amazing number, which often points to the other end of the spectrum, desktops? Will they be replaced, will they fall behind and be completely outsold and outperformed by mobile phones?
The Question of Size – It Matters

Mobile phones are undoubtedly one of the greatest inventions of the 20th and 21st century. 21st because that was the century in which smartphones were invented. Smartphones changed the market completely. Outstanding operating systems which allow for various applications to be ported or developed from scratch, to the point where people considered them a very decent replacement to desktops. Mobile phones now do a lot of things, such as serve as media devices, primarily audio, but for some people, video as well. They are used for gaming, as well as playing esports titles, which for some people means work and income.
They are used for photography and editing, not to mention social media. Yes, social media gets people to move, follow their favorites and socialize. People earn a lot of money through mobile phones and do things they would be unable to do with a computer. On the other hand, none of these things would be here without a computer, including mobile phone applications.
The Irony of Size and Convenience
Mobile phones are small and can be carried almost anywhere. There are the larger phones, often called phablets, which can take up a sizable amount of your pocket, yet they are useful when it comes to media, typing and reading.

But, those games which people play, they are often made on larger computers, desktops, if you will, where there is the convenience of using a full-size keyboard, and running simulations and virtual machines, testing and coding much faster than it would ever be possible on a mobile device. In this case, size matters and it provides people with the convenience of being able to create higher quality content, including applications and games for mobile devices. That is something which would take a lot more time on a mobile phone.
Scientific Research is Impossible on a Mobile Phone
Oh, you could look up researches written by people and listen to audiobooks, transcripts of classes from universities, but when it comes to something which requires computing power, like tests in chemistry and biology, simulations and number crunching, the exact opposite of a mobile phone is necessary, supercomputers.

Mobile phones are useful, but even though they have their perks and features, they do not have the necessary power to do anything remotely serious or scientific, not to mention rendering some larger video files or even providing people with a decent, comparable to the desktops and even consoles, gaming experience. Mobile phones are in some regards toys when compared to more powerful machines.
Smartphones are necessary and they make our daily life easier. They are also here as a tool, rather than as a replacement for other tools and other devices used for research and entertainment. They are unlikely to replace computers completely, but will actually give computer parts manufacturers competition and the drive to innovate and improve. Both are great for our world, and will keep getting better.