Streaming, it is what is in and cool today. Many people, most of whom planned on attending schools and learning new skills, decided to try out streaming. People stream anything, from video games to educational content, music or even simple chatting, not to mention podcasts and entire shows. All of these things are profitable and can be very entertaining, or even serious.
Streaming came to be once the internet became available throughout the world at decent speeds and prices. Yes, and the compression algorithms became better, so that the content could actually be sent online and received at the other end, without sacrificing much of the quality. All the technology had to come together for streaming to be delivered to us, and it had. What does this mean for conventional television? Is it going to be out? Probably not, here are a couple of reasons why.
Television Has Strong Roots

Once people get a hold of an idea, they do not like letting go. TVs have one of the greatest brand names. Manufacturers are not important here, but rather the mind share that people like to have a TV and listen or watch shows designed by other people. Some do it purely for entertainment purposes, others because they can watch high quality content which would otherwise be unavailable or far too expensive.
Some people do a bit of both, have streaming services ready, while also having cable TV, in order to get access to their local broadcasting networks. Another thing to note is that while people want to see and listen to streams, there is not that much content available online, other than movies and TV shows. People also want to watch the news, and not all major broadcasting companies offer such streams, or any type of stream.
Streaming is Good for A Couple of Things
Streaming has its benefits, for example, all things esports are streamed, and that is good thing. Esports now have their own channels through which people can watch and enjoy the content they want. Streaming is also used for all kinds of TV shows and movies, some of which are unfortunately exclusive to some streaming companies. That might be problematic, because subscribing to different streaming services just because one TV show is on another service is not worth it for most people.
Streaming is also great for regular sports, especially if people have internet access but no TV. Usually, one broadcasting company will also stream a game, especially if it is football. Popular sports are often streamed, tournaments and the Olympic Games.

Broadcasting Companies Have Money
Another reason as to why we might still see lots of TV is because broadcasting companies have deals and television earns a lot of money. Ratings are important and shows and movies which get a good rating, get more money. Broadcasting companies also have deals with other elements such as radios, sports clubs and even their own countries.
Broadcasting companies can also look at streaming to popularize it, but because not everyone has a smart TV, yet, regular cable will still be around, mostly due to quality and percentage of people using regular TV sets.
Streaming requires compression and the image quality might be lost.
Streaming will get bigger, as things move online, but standard television will probably be here for a long time.